Tuesday, 16 de June de 2020 - 11:34

Raising the population's awareness of the importance of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and health education about the thyroid and its diseases is the goal of Holon Pharmacies when launching the campaign “LIVING WITH HYPOTHYROIDISM DOES NOT HAVE TO BE DIFFERENT”. The International Thyroid Awareness Week was celebrated from 25 to 31 May(1) under the theme “Thyroid problems: Mummy and Baby”.

The diseases of this gland affect more than 200 million people worldwide, with hyperthyroidism being one of the most prevalent disorders. In Portugal, it is estimated that these disorders affect about 1 million individuals, that is 1 in 10 people(2).

Despite the high prevalence of hypothyroidism, there is still a great lack of knowledge about this disease among the population and many cases yet to be diagnosed. Although thyroid disease can affect both sexes and all ages, women are 10 times more likely to have an overactive or underactive thyroid(3).

During pregnancy, it is essential that there is a correct level of thyroid hormones to ensure the proper development of the foetus. Thyroid hormones are very important for the development and growth of children, before and after their birth.

It is at birth that congenital hypothyroidism appears. This condition affects about 1 in 3,400 babies(4), who are born with thyroid malformations or even without this gland. Babies with this disease cannot produce enough thyroid hormones to meet their body's needs(1).

However, if this situation is correctly diagnosed in the first days after birth, with the right treatment and regular visits to the doctor, babies can lead a normal life(1).

The early detection of any thyroid disease is essential for the success of the respective treatment and its prognosis. Bet on prevention!

Talk to your doctor or Holon Pharmacist.


Joana Brito

Coordinator of the project “Living with Hypothyroidism does not have to be different” at Holon Pharmacies.


1.      Thyroid Foundation of Canada. International Thyroid Awareness Week 2020 [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2020 May 5]. Available from:

2.      Associação das Doenças da Tiroide. Quão comuns são as doenças da tiroide? [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2020 Apr 25]. Available from:

3.      Santana Lopes M, Jácome De Castro J, Marcelino M, Oliveira MJ, Carrilho F, Limbert E. Iodo e Tiróide: O que o clínico deve saber. Acta Med Port. 2012;25(3):174–8.

4.      American Thyroid Association. Thyroid Patient Information [Internet]. [cited 2020 May 25]. Available from: